Your property will likely be the greatest financial investment you’ll ever make. With the help of a trusted and committed Eliberts Agent, it can also be your wisest. Give yourself every opportunity to come out on top by working with us. You have worked hard for your money; you don’t want to lose it to crooks selling you AIR.
Properties for sale hit the real estate market daily. Of these deals some are legitimate while others are fake / scam deals or call them AIR deals. An Eliberts Agent will be in regular contact with genuine sellers and other real estate Agents to ensure you get to see only legitimate deals. We will be your shield against fake / AIR Deals.
Over the past years, we have been and continue to work on a system of identifying and filtering real deals from fake deals. Through our carefully drafted procedure, we ensure that the deal you are interested is worth your time and money. Your Eliberts Agent will save you valuable time by making sure you only see properties that meet your needs and investment preferences.
Many real estate transactions include an extensive negotiating process. We will represent you and get you the best deal possible. Expect us to attend property inspections, make sure any and all agreed-upon repair work is carried out, and to handle the paperwork related to the sale. We may also help set up the financing for your investment, and work directly with a Financial Agent to provide you with a seamless service package.